
как жить в Луганске

Коды операторов мобильной связи мира

This page consists of international mobile phone codes

Страна Оператор Код Andorra STA +376 75 Armenia Armentel planned Australia Telecom Australia (Telstra) +61 417 - 419 Australia Optus +61 411 - 413 Australia Vodafone PTY +61 414 - 416 Austria Mobilkom +43 664 Austria Max Mobil +43 676 Austria Connect ONE +43 699 Austria Telering +43 650 Azerbaijan Azercell +994 50 Azerbaijan Bakcell +994 55 Bahrain Bahrain Batelco +973 96 Bangladesh Grameen Phone Limited +880 17 Belarus MDC (Mobile Digital Comm.) +375 296 Belgium Belgacom (Proximus) +32 75 Belgium Mobistar +32 95 Belgium KPN Orange Belgium +32 486 Bosnia & Herzegov. Eronet +387 66 Bosnia & Herzegov. Mobilna Srpske +387 66 Bosnia & Herzegov. BIH +387 66 Botswana Mascom +267 71 Botswana Vista Cellular +267 7 Brunei DST Communications Br. +673 8 Bulgaria MobilTEL AD +359 88 Cambodja CamGSM +855 12 Cambodja Casacom +855 16 Canada Microcell Canada +1 514 Chile Entel +56 980-82 China China Mobile +86 139 China China Unicom +86 130 Cote d'Ivoire SIM Ivoiris +225 07 Cote d'Ivoire Loteny Telecom +225 05 Croatia HPT Croatia +385 98 Croatia VIPnet +385 91 Cyprus CYTA +357 9 Czech Republic RadioMobil Czechia +420 603 Czech Republic EUROTEL Praha +420 602 Czech Republic Cesky Mobil +420 608 Denmark TeleDenmark Mobil +45 401 - 403 Denmark Dansk Mobil Telefon Sonofon +45 405 Denmark Telia AS Denmark +45 28 Denmark Mobilix +45 26 Egypt Mobinil +20 12 Egypt MisrFone +20 10 Equatorial Guinea Getesa +240 7 Estonia Estonian Mobile Telephone +372 50 Estonia Radiolinja Eesti +372 565 Estonia As Ritabell Estonia Q GSM +372 55 Faroese Island Faroese Telecom +298 24 Fiji Vodafone Fiji Ltd 679 Finland Radiolinja +358 50 Finland Sonera +358 40 Finland TELIA (TRP) planned France France Telecom (Itineris) +33 607 France SFR +33 609 France Bouygues Telecom +33 660 Georgia Geocell Georgia +995 77 Georgia Magticom Ltd. +995 32 Germany D1 DeTeMobil +49 171 Germany D2 Mannesmann +49 172 Germany E-plus +49 177 Germany VIAG Interkom +49 179 Ghana Scancom +233 24 Gibraltar Gibtel +350 58 Greece Cosmote +30 97 Greece Panafon +30 94 Greece STET Hellas +30 93 Greenland TELE Greenland +299 49,52-55,59 Guadeloupe France Caraible Mob. +590 35 Guernsey Guernsey Telecom +44 4481 Hong Kong Cable Wireless (CWHKTCSL) +852 902+909 Hong Kong Hong Kong Hutchison +852 904 Hong Kong SmarTone +852 901 Hong Kong New World Telephone +852 921 Hong Kong Peoples Phone +852 920 Hong Kong Sunday +852 923 Hungary Pannon GSM +36 20 Hungary Westel 900 +36 30 Hungary Vodafone +36 70 Iceland Landssiminn +354 89 Iceland TAL Ltd +354 69 India Escotel Haryana +91 9812 India Escotel Up West +91 98370 India (Bangalore, Hydera.) JTM +91 9845 India (Calcutta) Usha Martin +91 9830 India (Calcutta) Modi Telstra +91 9831 India (Delhi) Airtel Barthi India +91 981 India (Delhi) Sterling Cellular (Essar) +91 9811 India (Gujarat, Maha- Birla AT&T +91 9824 India (Gujaret) Facsel +91 9825 India (Hyderabad) Tata Communications +91 9848 India (Karnataka) Spice Communications +91 98440 India (Madras) Skycell +91 9840 India (Madras) RPG Cellular Services Ltd. +91 9841 India (Maharashtra) BPL Cellular +91 9846, +91 9843 India (Mumbai) Hutchison Max Telecom +91 9820 India (Mumbai) BPL Mobile Communication +91 9821 India (Punjab) Spice Telecom Punjab +91 9814 India (Rajasthan) Hexacom +91 9829 India (Up West) Escotel 9198370 Indonesia PT Satelit Palapa Ind. Satelindo +62 816 Indonesia Telekomunikasi (Telkomsel) +62 811 Indonesia Excelcomindo +62 818 Iran Telecom planned Ireland Eircell +353 87 Ireland Esat Digifone +353 89 Isle of Man (UK) Manx Telecom +44 4624 Israel Partner Communications +972 54 Italy Telecom Italia +39 33(5/8/9) Italy Omnitel Pronto +39 34 Italy Wind +39 320 Italy Blu +39 380 Jersey (UK) Jersey Telecoms +44 97 Jordania Fastlink +962 79 Jordania MobileCom +962 77 Kazakhstan K-Mobile (Kar Tel) +7 333 Kazakhstan K'Cell GSM +7 300 Kenya Kencell 63903 Kenya Post and Telecom Corp. planned Kosovo Monaco Telecom (Vala) +377 44 Kuwait MTC +965 96 Kuwait Wataniya Telecom +965 6 Kyrgyzstan Bitel +996 502 Laos Shinawarta int. planned Latvia LMT +371 Latvia TELE 2 +371 Lebanon FTML Lebanon +961 34 Lebanon Libancell Lebanon +961 37 Liechtenstein Swisscom Mobile +41 79 Liechtenstein TANGO +423 76 Lithuania Omnitel Lithuania +370 98 Lithuania Bite GSM +370 99 Luxembourg P&T Luxembourg +352 21 Luxembourg Milicom/Tango +352 091 Macau CTM +853 68 Macedonia Mobimak +389 70 Madagascar Madacom SA +261 33 Malaysia Maxis (Binariang) +60 12 Malaysia TM Touch +60 13 Malaysia Mutiara +60 16 Malaysia Time Wireless (Sapura) +60 17 Malaysia Celcom Malaysia +60 19 Maldives Dhiraagu +960 77,78,79 Malta Vodafone +356 94 Marokko Meditelecom +212 3+4 Marokko ONPT +212 213 Martinique France Caraible Mobiles (FCM) +590 35 Mauritius Cellplus +230 25 Mauritius Emtel +230 72 Moldova Rep. Moldcell +373 94 Moldova Rep. Voxtel SA +373 91 Monaco France Telecom or SFR - Mongolia Mobicom planned Mozambique TDM +258 82 Namibia MTC Namibia +264 81 Netherlands Libertel +31 654 Netherlands Telecom PTT +31 653 Netherlands Telfort +31 626 Netherlands Ben +31 624 Netherlands DutchTone +31 628 New Zealand Vodafone N.Z. (Bell N.Z.) +64 21 Norway Telenor Mobil +47 900 Norway NetCom GSM +47 920 Oman GTO Ministry of PTT 968 Pakistan PMC Mobilink +92 300 Palestinian Authority Paltel +972 59 Philippines ISLACOM +63 915 Philippines Globe Telecom +63 917 Philippines Smart 69.55168662 Poland Polkom Tel +48 601 Poland Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa +48 602 Poland Centertel +48 501 Portugal Telecel (TLCL) +351 931 Portugal Optimus +351 933 Portugal Telemovel (TMN) +351 936 Qatar Q-Tel +974 5 Rep. d'Algerie MPTT +213 01 Reunion SRR, Societe Reun. du Radio. 262 Romania Mobifon +40 92 Romania CosmoRom +40 96 Romania Mobilrom +40 94 Russia Far-Eastern +7 902 403 Russia Ermak RMS +7 346 Russia (Ekaterinburg) Uraltel Ltd. +7 343 Russia (Kaliningrad) Extel +7 0119 Russia (Krasnodar) Kuban GSM +7 90243 Russia (Moskau) MTS Moscow +7 095 Russia (Nizhny Novgorod) NCC +7 90270 Russia (Novosibirsk) Siberian Cellular Systems +7902 98 Russia (Rostov) DonTelecom +7 90245 Russia (Samara) Zao Smarts +7 902370 Russia (St.Petersb.) North-West GSM +7 812 Russia (Stavropol) StavTeleSot +7 865 Russia Moscow KB Impuls +7 095 od. 9017 San Marino Telecom Italia or Omnitel - Saudi Arabia MOPTT +966 55 Saudi Arabia EAE Aljawwal +966 1299 Senegal Sonatel Alize +221 63 Senegal Sentel +221 68 Seychelles Cable & Wireless 24851 Seychelles Airtel Telecom Ltd +248 7 Singapore Singapore Telecom +65 15 Singapore Singapore Mobilink 65 Singapore MobileOne +65 9 Singapore StarHub planned Slovakia Globtel Slovakia +421 905 Slovakia Eurotel Bratislava +421 903 Slovenia SI.Mobil +386 40 Slovenia Mobitel +386 41 South Africa Vodacom +27 82 South Africa MTN +27 83 Spain Airtel Movil +34 07 Spain Retevision +34 656 Spain Telefonica Moviles +34 90 Sri Lanka MTN Sri Lanka + 94 77 Sudan Mobitel +249 12 Sweden Telia Mobitel +46 705,706 Sweden Comviq +46 707 Sweden NordicTel (Europolitan) +46 708 Switzerland Swisscom Mobile +41 79 Switzerland diAx +41 76 Switzerland Orange Communications SA +41 78 Tahiti Tikiphone planned Taiwan Far EasTone Telecoms +886 936 Taiwan KG Telecom +886 9383 Taiwan Chunghwa (LDTA) +886 92 Taiwan Mobitai Communications +886 9316 Taiwan Taiwan Cellular Corp. +886 93 Taiwan TransAsia Telecoms +886 931 Tanzania Tritel +855 812 Thailand AIS +66 1 Thailand TAC +66 16 Thailand Digital Phone Co Ltd planned Thailand WCS planned Togo Togo Cellulaire - Tunisia Tunicell +216 9 Turkey Turkcell +90 532 Turkey Telsim +90 542 Uganda CelTel +256 75 Uganda MTN Uganda Limited +256 77 Ukraine UMC Ukrainian Mobile Comm +380 50 Ukraine Ukrainian Systems Ukraine +380 68 Ukraine Kyivstar GSM +380 67 Ukraine Golden Telecom Bancomsv. +380 44 United Arab Emirates Etisalat +971 50 United Kingdom Cellnet Securicor +44 802 United Kingdom Vodafone +44 385 United Kingdom Mercury ONE 2 ONE +44 956 od. 958 United Kingdom ORANGE +44 973 USA Bell South Mobility +1 423, 704,803, 919 USA Voicestream Eastcoast +1 201 USA Pacific Bell Mobile +1 209 USA Powertel -366 USA Voicestream Midwest +1 813 USA Voicestream Wireless +1 179 Uzbekistan Coscom +998 93 Vatican Telecom Italia or Omnitel - Venezuela Digitel +58 12 Venezuela Diginet planned Venezuela Infonet planned Vietnam VMS MobiFone +84 90 Vietnam VinaPhone GSM +84 91 Yugoslavia Montenegro Promonte GSM +381 69 Yugoslavia, Srbija Mobtel +381 63 Zimbabwe NetOne +263 11 Zimbabwe Telecel +263 23 Zimbabwe Econet +263 91